

Sacred Geometry and Astrology

If you have my ebook 2020 Astrology this feature expands the chapter on Sacred Geometry with video and information about five-way patterns in your personal birth horoscope.

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Chemistry Lessons for Women – Part II

Chemistry lessons in astrology work between couples, friends, family, flatmates/roommates, colleagues, staff, employers. Part 2 explores for women with sun signs in Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn and Pisces.

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Dating Cancer in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

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Dating Gemini in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

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Dating Taurus in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know some-body, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

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Dating Aries in Astrology

If you only have five minutes to get to know somebody, their Sun Sign is an excellent guide. With just one piece of information – the date of someone’s birth (never mind the year or time) – an astrologer can draw up what’s known as a Solar Chart.

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2018 Love Horoscope

What does 2018 have in store for your love life according to your horoscope? Pisces could easily become engaged. Scorpio needs to stop working so hard. Leo has choices about children to make.

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Love and the Last Libra Weather

By December 9th 2017, Mars in Libra will end a cycle with fantastic potential, no matter if you need to settle your differences, start a relationship, or make a commitment to pregnancy or marriage. We’re all affected!

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